Panel SoftwarecPanelCreate Nodejs App

Create a Node application cPanel Node.js Selector

Create the application on the cPanel Selector

  1. Locate the “Software” section and click “Setup Node.js App”
  2. On the Node.js selector page, click “CREATE APPLICATION”
  3. Provide the necessary information in the application setup form:
  • Node.js version: Choose your preferred version from the available options in the drop-down list.
  • Application mode: Select either Development or Production from the provided list. You may initially choose the Development mode and switch to Production later, if needed.
  • Application root: Specify the file system location for your application files. This entry will be appended to /home/username to form the complete path to the application files in the cPanel home directory.
  1. After setting your desired options, click “CREATE”

Upload the Node.js application

  1. Locate the “Files” section and “File Manager”
  2. Upload and extract your Node.js application ensuring that the package.json file is in the Application root directory you specified earlier

Install the Node.js packages

  1. Navigate back to the “Setup Node.js App” page
  2. In the “Actions” column of the “Web Applications” list, click the pencil icon to edit the application
  3. Click “Run NPM Install”

Please note alternatively, if you use CloudLinux, the ideal way of creating a Node.js application is through the CloudLinux selector.