IDEVSCodiumAdding GitHub Copilot

Install Github Copilot for VSCodium

  1. Navigate to the Github Copilot extension page.
  2. On the right-hand sidebar, click the “Download Extension” button to download the .vsix extension file.
  3. Go to the extensions page within VSCodium and click the elipses on the left-hand sidebar.
  4. You should see a dropdown open with an option named “Install from VSIX” at the bottom.
  5. Select the extension file from your computer, it should be named similar to GitHub.copilot-1.115.434.vsix.
  6. On VSCodium, select your Github user from the bottom left user icon and click “Manage Trusted Extensions”
  7. Uncheck Github Copilot if its checked so you will be prompted to the login page after restarting VSCodium.
  8. Edit VSCODIUM_FOLDER/resources/app/product.json. Find the GitHub.copilot and insert the following permission:

Possible paths for the product.json:

  1. Restart VSCodium and follow the Github Copilot signin prompts.


If you have any issues, its posisble that you may need to manually create a access_token or grant account access to the copilot extension.

  1. Open a terminal and send a request to begin Github authorization
curl -X POST -d 'client_id=01ab8ac9400c4e429b23&scope=user:email'

You will see device_code and user_code in the response

  1. Go to in any browser and enter the user_code Return to the terminal and send this (replace YOUR_DEVICE_CODE with the device_code you got in the previous step:
curl -X POST -d 'client_id=01ab8ac9400c4e429b23&scope=user:email&device_code=YOUR_DEVICE_CODE&grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code'
  1. You will see your access_token in the response (gho_…). Paste it in VSCodium when the Copilot extension requires authorization. Enjoy your freedom!