LinuxS3 Remote Connect

Connect to ForestRacks S3 Storage

Setup Rclone

Install Rclone:

apt install rclone

Configure Rclone: Use this file as a base in .config/rclone/rclone.conf, replacing username_here with your username and password_here with your password from the ForestRacks product portal:

type = s3
provider = Minio
env_auth = false
access_key_id = username_here
secret_access_key = password_here
region = dal
endpoint =
location_constraint =
server_side_encryption =

Create temporary directory:

mkdir -p /tmp/back/mysqldump /tmp/back/virtual 

The following script is an example of how to backup example.txt from /root, all mysql databases, and all virtual machines. Make sure you replace bucket_name with the name of your bucket:
node_id=$(echo "$(hostname)" | awk -F '.' '{print $1}')
# Backup /root/1.txt
rclone copy --dedupe-mode interleaved --bwlimit 60M "/root/1.txt" storage:bucket_name/files/${node_id}/$(date +%F)/
# Backup MySQL databases
if command -v mysqldump &> /dev/null; then
  mysql -s -r -e 'show databases' | grep -vE '^(information_schema|performance_schema|mysql|sys)$' | while read db; do
    mysqldump $db > "$tmp_dir/mysqldump/${db}.sql"
    rclone copy --dedupe-mode interleaved --bwlimit 60M "$tmp_dir/mysqldump/${db}.sql" storage:bucket_name/mysqldump/${node_id}/$(date +%F)/
    rm -f "$tmp_dir/mysqldump/${db}.sql"
# Backup VMs using virsh
if command -v virsh &> /dev/null; then
  virsh list | grep kvm | awk '{print $2}' | while read vm; do
    dd if=/dev/yourvg/${vm}_img | gzip | dd of="$tmp_dir/virtual/${vm}_backup.gz" bs=4096 status=progress
    rclone copy --dedupe-mode interleaved --bwlimit 60M "$tmp_dir/virtual/${vm}_backup.gz" storage:bucket_name/virtual/${node_id}/$(date +%F)/
    rm -f "$tmp_dir/virtual/${vm}_backup.gz"

Using Cronjobs

First install cron:

apt install cron

Add the cronjob:

(crontab -l ; echo "35 17 * * 1 /root/")| crontab -