Setup Clerk Oauth on Discourse

Install Discourse Oauth2 Basic Plugin

Add plugin to app.yml:

    - exec:
        cd: $home/plugins
          - git clone

Rebuild Discourse:

cd /var/discourse
./launcher rebuild app

Enable Oauth

Go to Admin > Plugins and toggle on discourse-oauth2-basic`.

Get Cient ID and Secret

Visit Developers > API Keys on (Clerk’s Dashboard)[] and create a new API Key. You will need to copy the CLERK_SECRET_KEY to generate the credentials for the next step.

Run the following curl API request to Clerk replacing CLERK_SECRET_KEY with your secret key from the previous step.

curl -X POST \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer CLERK_SECRET_KEY"  \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"callback_url":"", "name": "discourse-forum"}'

Configuring Discourse

Visit the Oauth settings page on the Discourse Admin page and input the following options, replacing with the domain you are using for Clerk:

  • oauth2 client id: client_id from the curl output
  • oauth2 client secret: client_secret from the curl output
  • oauth2 authorize url:
  • oauth2 token url:
  • oauth2 user json url:
  • oauth2 json user id path: user_id
  • oauth2 json username path: username
  • oauth2 json name path: name
  • oauth2 json email path: email
  • oauth2 json email verified path: email_verified
  • oauth2 json avatar path: picture
  • oauth2 scope: profile email