Adding Maps to Pavlov VR Servers
The process of adding maps to your Pavlov server varies whether you use Shack or PC. Before adding a map, you should first select a Game Mode and then follow the steps below.
Log Into The Panel
First login on and click on your server. If you cannot login, follow the Troubleshooting Guide.
Locate File Manager
Next click the “File Manager” panel tab
Open The Game.ini
Open your Game.ini
configuration file in Pavlov/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/
Add The New Map
At the bottom of the file, add a new map like MapRotation=(MapId="SVR_John_Bestbuy", GameMode="SND")
, here’s an example:
MapRotation=(MapId="sand", GameMode="DM")
MapRotation=(MapId="SVR_John_Bestbuy", GameMode="SND")
Click the “Reboot” button on the “Console” panel tab
Finding Maps To Use
If you use Standard PC or Beta PC, you can either use maps from the Steam Workshop or the new recommended site.
If you use maps from the Steam Workshop, The MapId
should start with “UGC” and look like UGC######
. Find the map you want in the workshop. For example, notice the URL for Mirage ( The 10 numbers at the end of the URL are what you need, so UGC2670152485
would be the MapId for Mirage.
If you use maps from, the method is very similar, you still start the MapId with UGC except rather than getting the ID number from the URL, you will see it listed as the “Resource ID” on the map page.
Here’s an example of what the MapId in your Game.ini will look like for PC:
MapRotation=(MapId="sand", GameMode="DM")
MapRotation=(MapId="UGC1758245796", GameMode="GUN")
Available Game Modes
- Custom - For map creators
- DM - Death Match
- KOTH - King of The Hill
- GUN - Gun Game
- OITC - One in The Chamber
- SND - Search and Destroy
- TANKTDM - WW2 Team Death Match
- TDM - Team Death Match
- TTT - Trouble in Terrorist Town
- WW2GUN - WW2 Gun Game
- ZWV - Zombie Wave Survival
- HIDE - The Hidden
- INFECTION - Hidden Infection
- PUSH - Push
- PH - Prophunt