MySQL TricksFix Corruption

MySQL Corruption Recovery:

To fix corruption in MySQL databases or tables, here are a couple methods you can try. Please note that data corruption isn’t fool proof and won’t always work. Here at ForestRacks we generally take daily backups of all customer products so if recovery fails, don’t hesitate to Contact Us and we will see what we can do.

Recover a MySQL Table

Optimize Table

In this example, the database is called billing and the table is called statements.

Enter the MySQL shell


Select the billing database

use billing;

Run the optimize command on your corrupted table

OPTIMIZE TABLE statements;

Replace Table

If all else fails, you might have to delete the table and create a new one like it, note this is a last resort and deletes all data from the table, so before you resort to this solution, confirm with ForestRacks support if there is a backup of your database:

CREATE TABLE new_statements LIKE statements;
# Insert the data from the corrupted table into the new table:
INSERT INTO new_statements SELECT * FROM statements;
# Once the data is successfully copied, you can drop the old statements table and rename the new table:
DROP TABLE statements;
RENAME TABLE new_statements TO statements;
# This recreates the statements table with the copied data.

Recover a MySQL Database

Enter Recovery Mode

  1. Open the MySQL configuration my.cnf file using a text editor like nano or vim.
  2. Add text below to the bottom of the file:
innodb_force_recovery = 1

Restart MySQL

systemctl restart mariadb