LinuxCreate User

Create a Linux User with a Specific Home Directory

Open Terminal

Open a terminal or log in to your Linux system.

Create User

Run the following command to create a user named linuxuser:

useradd -G sudo -s /bin/bash -m -d /srv/linuxuser linuxuser

This command creates the user linuxuser, assigns the primary group as linuxuser, and adds the user to the docker and sudo groups. The -s /bin/bash flag sets the default shell for the user, while -m creates the home directory if it doesn’t exist, and -d /srv/bitwarden specifies the desired home directory.

Grant File Access

Set the ownership of the home directory to the linuxuser user by executing:

chown -R linuxuser: /srv/linuxuser

This command ensures that the user linuxuser has full ownership of the /srv/linuxuser directory and all its contents.

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