Understanding WHOIS Data


WHOIS is a widely-used protocol and database system for querying information about internet resources, primarily domain names and IP addresses. It provides valuable information about the ownership, registration details, and administrative contacts for a domain. This documentation guide will explain what WHOIS is, how to use it, and what kind of information you can retrieve.

What is WHOIS?

WHOIS stands for “Who Is?” and is a query and response protocol that allows users to access information about domain names and their registrants. It helps users identify the owner, registration date, expiration date, and contact information associated with a particular domain.

How Does WHOIS Work?

When you perform a WHOIS query, your request is sent to a WHOIS server that maintains the database of domain registration information. The server processes your request and returns the relevant information, such as the registrant’s name, email address, registrar information, and more.


To use WHOIS, you need a WHOIS client or access to an online WHOIS lookup service. Many domain registrars and online tools offer WHOIS lookup services. Here’s how you can use it:

Command-Line WHOIS

If you’re using a command-line tool, you can perform a WHOIS query like this:

whois example.com

Replace example.com with the domain you want to look up. The tool will connect to the appropriate WHOIS server and display the information.

Online WHOIS Lookup

You can also use online WHOIS lookup services. Visit a WHOIS lookup website, such as ICANN WHOIS, and enter the domain name you want to query. The website will retrieve and display the information for you.

Information Retrieved

When you perform a WHOIS query, you can expect to receive various details about the domain, including:

  • Registrar Information: The domain registrar responsible for managing the domain.

  • Registrant Information: The name, organization, and contact details of the domain owner.

  • Administrative and Technical Contacts: Contact information for the administrative and technical points of contact for the domain.

  • Registration and Expiration Dates: The date the domain was registered and when it is set to expire.

  • Name Servers: The domain’s authoritative name servers, responsible for resolving the domain’s DNS records.

  • Status Information: The current status of the domain, such as whether it’s active, pending renewal, or expired.

Privacy Considerations

Keep in mind that not all domain owners may want their contact information to be publicly accessible through WHOIS. Many domain registrars offer privacy protection services that replace the owner’s information with proxy contact details to protect their privacy.


WHOIS is a crucial tool for identifying domain ownership and registration details. Whether you’re a website owner looking to verify your domain information or investigating a domain for potential purchase, WHOIS provides valuable insights into internet resources. Use the provided instructions to perform WHOIS queries and retrieve the information you need.