Game ServersMinecraftInstalling Plugins

Install Minecraft Plugins

Finding plugins to use

Find a Plugin Website

First open a plugin website like SpigotMC, Bukkit, Songoda, or BuiltByBit.

Search For Plugins

To find a plugin, you can use the search feature on the plugin website.

Confirm Version Compatibility

Make sure that the listed compatible version matches your server version.

Download Plugin File

After finding a plugin that you wish to use, click the “Download Now” button.

Uploading plugins

Log into Panel

First login on and click on your server. If you cannot login, follow the Troubleshooting Guide.

Locate File Manager

Next click the “File Manager” panel tab

Find Plugins

Navigate to the plugins directory

Upload Jar

Click the upload button and select the plugin .jar file from your computer or drag and drop it.